June 30, 2023

React.js introduction

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React.js Introduction

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces for web applications. With ReactJS, you can create reusable UI components, and manage application state efficiently. React.js components are reusable pieces of code that can be used to render HTML elements and handle user interactions. They can be used to manage application state by storing data that can be changed over time. This makes React.js apps more efficient and easier to maintain.

Example: React.js Introduction

document.body = document.createElement('body');
var element = document.createElement('div');
element.id = 'root';

// JavaScript front-end framework example
// Load the React and ReactDOM libraries for this to work.
var container = React.createElement(
React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello, React!'),
React.createElement('p', null, 'Learn JavaScript from Software Testing Space.')

ReactDOM.render(container, document.querySelector('#root'));

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is ReactJS used for?
    ReactJS is used for building user interfaces and front-end applications.
    ReactJS is used for back-end server programming.
    ReactJS is used for database management and querying.
  2. What is the main feature of React?
    Its compatibility with all web browsers
    Its support for server-side rendering
    The ability to create reusable UI components
  3. Why is it called React?
    Because it reacts to changes in data and updates the user interface accordingly
    Because it provides a reactive programming paradigm
    It is a combination of other JavaScript libraries.
  4. What is the advantage of ReactJS?
    The advantage of ReactJS is its ability to efficiently manage application state, resulting in responsive user interfaces.
    The advantage of ReactJS is its support for complex server-side logic.
    The advantage of ReactJS is its extensive collection of pre-built UI components.
  5. What are JSX and its significance in React?
    JSX is a database query language used in ReactJS.
    JSX is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
    JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript, making it easier to describe the structure and appearance of React components.

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