June 25, 2023

JavaScript Closure

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JavaScript Closure

A JavaScript closure is a combination of a function and its lexical environment. It allows a function to access variables from its outer scope even after the outer function has finished executing. Closures are useful where you want to create private variables or encapsulate data. They provide a way to maintain state and create unique instances of functions. Using closures, you can create functions that remember and access the variables and parameters of their parent functions, even when called outside of their original scope.

What is a closure in JavaScript?

A closure in JavaScript is a function along with its lexical environment, allowing it to access variables from its outer scope even after the outer function has finished executing. It provides a way to maintain state and create private variables in JavaScript.

When to use closures in JavaScript?

You can use closures in JavaScript when you need to:

  1. Create private variables and encapsulate data.
  2. Maintain state across multiple function calls.
  3. Create unique instances of functions.

JavaScript Closure Example

// JavaScript closure example
function outerFunction() {
  var outerVariable = 'I am the variable from the outer function';

  // Note that the innerFunction is defined within the scope of the outerFunction
  function innerFunction() {
    // This variable is only accessible from within the inner function
    var innerVariable = 'I am the variable from the inner function';
    // It "encloses" the variable from the outer scope
    document.write(outerVariable + '<br/>');
    document.write(innerVariable + '<br/>');
  // Return the inner function
  return innerFunction;
// Create a closure from the outer function
var closure = outerFunction();
// Call the closure

JavaScript Closure Practice

Write a function called counter that returns another function. The returned function should count and display the number of times it has been invoked. Implement the counter function using closures in JavaScript.

    var count = counter();
    console.log(count()); // Output: 1
    console.log(count()); // Output: 2
    console.log(count()); // Output: 3

One possible solution using JavaScript closure is to write the following function:

function counter() {
  var count = 0;
  return function() {
    return count;

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is the purpose of closures in JavaScript?
    Closures allow functions to access variables from their outer scope and create private variables.
    Closures make functions execute faster in JavaScript.
    Closures prevent memory leaks in JavaScript programs.
  2. How can closures be useful in real-time examples?
    Closures can be used to create private variables and encapsulate data, such as in modular pattern implementations.
    Closures enable JavaScript functions to be executed asynchronously.
    Closures are used for error handling in JavaScript programs.
  3. What are some common coding questions related to closures in JavaScript?
    How to reverse a string using closures?
    How to create a counter using closures?
    How to validate an email address using closures?
  4. Can you provide an example of using closures with setTimeout in JavaScript?
    No, closures cannot be used with the setTimeout function in JavaScript.
    Closures with setTimeout can only be used for synchronous operations.
    Yes, closures can be used to create delayed execution using setTimeout by capturing the outer variables.

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