June 24, 2023

JavaScript Loops

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JavaScript Loops Explained

You can use loops in JavaScript to run a block of code repeatedly. What are the loops in JavaScript? Loops allow you to repeat a block of code based on a condition or iterate over a collection of items. By using loops, you can perform repetitive tasks and automate processes in your JavaScript programs.

How many loops in JavaScript?

There are three types of loops: the for loop, the while loop, and the do-while loop. Each loop has its own syntax and use cases.

JavaScript Loops Practice Examples

For Loop Practice:

// JavaScript for loop practice (simple)
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
  document.write("Iteration: " + i + "<br/>"); // Output the current iteration number

While Loop Practice:

// JavaScript while loop practice (medium)
var i = 10;
while (i <= 50) {
  document.write("Value of i: " + i + "<br/>"); // Output the current value of i
  i = i + 10;

Do-While Loop Practice

// JavaScript do-while loop example (medium)
var i = 10;
do {
  document.write("Iteration: " + i + "<br/>"); // Output the current iteration number
} while (i >= 5);

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What are the loops in JavaScript?
    Loops in JavaScript are used to repeat a block of code multiple times.
    Loops in JavaScript are used to define variables.
    Loops in JavaScript are used for arithmetic calculations.
  2. How many loops in JavaScript are there?
    1 loop
    2 loops
    3 loops
  3. What is the purpose of the JavaScript loop examples above?
    To demonstrate conditional statements
    To show how different types of loops can be used in JavaScript
    To introduce object-oriented programming concepts
  4. What happens during each iteration of a loop in JavaScript?
    The block of code inside the loop is executed.
    The loop skips to the next iteration.
    The loop terminates and stops executing.
  5. What is the purpose of practicing loops in JavaScript?
    To gain hands-on experience and improve your programming skills.
    To learn advanced algorithms and data structures.
    To explore different programming languages.

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Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.

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