May 27, 2023

Cookie Testing

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Cookie Testing is a specialized test that you use to verify the behavior, security, and functionality of cookies in your web application. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the user's device by websites. They have a crucial role in maintaining session information, personalization, and tracking user activities on the web.  Cookie Testing involves validating cookie creation, expiration, deletion, encryption, and interaction with the application's functionality and user data.

Examples of Cookie Testing

  • You perform Cookie Testing on your web application by verifying if cookies are properly set and retrieved during user sessions, assessing if the session data is maintained correctly.
  • In a web application that offers personalization based on user preferences, you test if the correct personalized content is displayed after the user logs in and their preferences are retrieved from cookies.
  • You conduct Cookie Testing by testing how the web application handles the expiration and deletion of cookies, ensuring that expired or deleted cookies do not cause any unexpected behavior.

Tips for Cookie Testing

  • Understand the purpose and functionality of cookies in the web application to learn the scope of testing and the expected behavior of cookies.
  • Validate if cookies are set correctly with the appropriate values, domain, path, and expiration date.
  • Test scenarios validating cookie creation, expiration, deletion, encryption, and interaction with the application's functionality and user preferences.
  • Validate the behavior of the application when cookies are disabled or blocked by the user's browser.
  • Popular tools for Cookie Testing include Selenium WebDriver, JUnit, and TestNG, which provide capabilities for interacting with cookies, verifying their values, and testing cookie-related functionality.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of cookies in a web application?
    They store session information, personalize user experience, and track user activities on the web.
  2. How can you test if a cookie is properly set?
    By inspecting the HTTP response headers or using browser developer tools to view the cookies stored on the user's device.
  3. What should be tested during Cookie Testing?
    Test if cookies are set and retrieved correctly, their values are accurate, expiration and deletion behavior is handled properly, and the application behaves as expected when cookies are disabled or blocked.
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Stress Testing

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Stress Testing is a specialized performance testing that you use to evaluate your system's performance and stability under extreme conditions (that are beyond its normal operational capacity). It involves subjecting the system to excessive workloads (e.g. a spike in concurrent users), resource constraints (e.g. low network bandwidth), or unfavorable environments (e.g. resource-intensive transactions). It aims to identify the system's breaking points (upper limit), performance degradation (e.g. linear, or abrupt), and recovery mechanisms (e.g. full, partial or no recovery) under high stress.

Examples of Stress Testing

  • You can perform Stress Testing on your web server by overwhelming it with an unusually high number of concurrent user requests, simulating a sudden spike in traffic, and assessing how the server handles the increased load and whether it gracefully recovers.
  • In a mobile application, you conduct Stress Testing by simulating scenarios such as low battery, limited memory, poor network connectivity, or simultaneous usage of multiple resource-intensive features to determine the app's stability and performance under such adverse conditions.
  • For a database management system, Stress Testing can involve executing complex and resource-intensive queries, or simulating a high number of concurrent transactions until the system's upper performance limit, to evaluate its performance, scalability, and error-handling capabilities.
  • Popular tools for Stress Testing include Apache JMeter, LoadRunner, and BlazeMeter, which provide features for generating high loads, simulating adverse conditions, and measuring system performance and stability.

Tips for Stress Testing

  • Identify and prioritize the critical functionalities, components, or system areas that are more likely to encounter stress conditions or have a significant impact on overall system performance.
  • Simulate realistic stress scenarios by considering typical stress factors such as excessive user load, resource constraints, unfavorable network conditions, data corruption, or unexpected system failures.
  • Monitor system metrics during Stress Testing, including response time, CPU and memory usage, network latency, error rates, and system recovery time, to identify bottlenecks, performance degradation, or failures under stress conditions.
  • Analyze the system's behavior and performance during and after Stress Testing to understand its limitations, and uncover bottlenecks.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the goal of Stress Testing?
    Assess the system's behavior and performance under extreme or unfavorable conditions to identify its breaking points, measure its stability, and evaluate its ability to recover gracefully.
  2. Is Stress Testing only focused on high loads?
    No, it also involves simulating adverse conditions such as resource constraints, unfavorable environments, unexpected failures, or using other factors that may cause stress on the system.
  3. Can Stress Testing help uncover potential system failures?
    Yes, Stress Testing can help uncover potential system failures by pushing the system beyond its normal operating limits and observing its behavior under stress conditions. This helps identify weak components, performance bottlenecks, or security vulnerabilities that may lead to failures in production.
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Load Testing

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Load Testing is a specialized performance testing that you use to assess the performance (e.g. page load times and processing times) and stability (e.g. error-free operation with a specific number of users) of your system under expected and peak load conditions. It involves subjecting the system to a number of virtual (simulated) users or transactions to measure its latency, response time, throughput, resource usage, and scalability.

Examples of Load Testing

  • You perform Load Testing on an e-commerce website to determine how it handles concurrent user requests during peak shopping seasons (for instance Thanksgiving in the USA or Diwali in India), ensuring that the system remains responsive and can handle the expected workload.
  • In a video streaming platform, you conduct Load Testing to evaluate the platform's ability to deliver high-quality videos to multiple users simultaneously, without buffering or  degradation of resolution or audio quality.
  • For a banking system, you can use Load Testing to validate the system's response time and stability when processing a large number of financial transactions in a short period, such as during salary transfers or tax filing seasons.

Tips for Load Testing

  • First, identify the most frequently executed or performance-critical business processes in your software.
  • Identify realistic load scenarios that reflect the expected user behavior and transaction volume, considering factors such as peak usage periods, geographical distribution, and user actions.
  • Popular tools for Load Testing include Apache JMeter, LoadRunner, Gatling, and Locust, which provide features for simulating concurrent user traffic, generating realistic load scenarios, and analyzing performance metrics.
  • When you run a load scenario, monitor key performance indicators (KPI) like network and software latency, response time, throughput, CPU and memory utilization, and database performance, to identify performance bottlenecks (areas for improvement).
  • Gradually increase the load in your load scenario to simulate realistic workload and observe how the system handles the increasing demand, helping to uncover scalability limitations.
  • Conduct Load Testing on a production-like environment that closely resembles the actual production setup to obtain accurate performance insights and avoid discrepancies due to different hardware or configurations.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of Load Testing?
    Assess how a system performs under expected and peak load conditions, assessing if it can handle the anticipated user traffic, transactions, or data volume while maintaining acceptable performance levels.
  2. Is it necessary to perform Load Testing for every software application?
    No, but it is useful for applications that are expected to experience high usage or have critical performance requirements, such as e-commerce platforms, banking systems, and applications with a large user base.
  3. Can Load Testing uncover scalability issues in a system?
    Yes, Load Testing is an effective way to identify scalability issues in a system. By gradually increasing the load and measuring the system's performance, Load Testing can reveal bottlenecks (like resource limitations, or architectural flaws) that may impact the system's ability to handle increased user demand.
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May 26, 2023

Mobile Application Testing

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Mobile Application Testing is a test type that focuses on assessing the functionality, usability, performance, security and compatibility of mobile apps. You perform Mobile Application Testing across different devices, operating systems, and networks. It involves validating various aspects of mobile apps, including user interface and navigation, data handling, and device-specific functionalities.

Examples of Mobile Application Testing

  • You perform Mobile Application Testing on a banking app to ensure that the account login and logout features function correctly, customer amounts are accurately processed, and the app performs well on different mobile devices and screen sizes.
  • In a ride-sharing app, you do Mobile Application Testing to validate that the location tracking feature works accurately, trip requests are handled seamlessly, and the app remains responsive even under network fluctuations or rush hours.
  • For a social media app, Mobile Application Testing can be used to test the posting and sharing of content, notification delivery, compatibility with different versions of the operating system, and battery consumption.
  • Popular tools for Mobile Application Testing include Appium, Selenium, XCTest, and Espresso, which offer features for automating mobile app tests, simulating user interactions, and capturing test reports and screenshots.

Tips for Mobile Application Testing

  • Test your mobile app on both smartphones and tablets, to ensure compatibility and consistent user experience.
  • Perform functional testing to validate the app's features, user flows, and data handling capabilities.
  • Check the app's responsiveness, load time, and performance under different network conditions, such as 3G, 4G, 5G and Wi-Fi.
  • Pay attention to the usability and accessibility of the app, to determine the correctness of navigation, display theme, font sizes, color contrasts, and support for assistive technologies.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. Can you do Mobile Application Testing without physical devices?
    Yes, Mobile Application Testing can be done using emulators and simulators that replicate the behavior of mobile devices. However, testing on physical devices is recommended to ensure accurate results and validate real-world performance.
  2. What challenges do you face in Mobile Application Testing?
    Device fragmentation, different operating system versions, varying screen sizes and resolutions, network connectivity issues, and testing on different platforms (iOS and Android).
  3. Is it necessary to perform Mobile Application Testing on both iOS and Android platforms?
    Yes, because they have different architectures, design guidelines, and user expectations. Testing on both platforms will help find if it is a consistent experience and also help identify platform-specific defects in the mobile app.
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API Testing

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API Testing is a specialized testing technique that focuses on verifying the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of application programming interfaces (APIs). It involves sending requests, analyzing responses, and validating the behavior and data exchange of APIs.

Examples of API Testing

  • You can perform API Testing on a social media platform to ensure that the user authentication API securely validates user credentials and returns the appropriate access tokens.
  • In an e-commerce application, you conduct API Testing to validate that the product search API accurately retrieves the desired products based on specified criteria.
  • For a weather forecasting application, you do API Testing to validate that the weather data API returns accurate and up-to-date information for different geographical locations.
  • Popular tools for API Testing include SoapUI, Postman, JMeter, and RestAssured, which provide features for sending API requests, inspecting responses, and automating API tests.

Tips for API Testing

  • Understand your API documentation thoroughly to identify the input parameters, expected responses, and error handling mechanisms.
  • Design test cases with different scenarios such as valid inputs, invalid inputs, edge cases, and error conditions.
  • Validate the response data against the expected results to ensure the API behaves as intended.
  • Conduct performance testing on APIs to assess their latency, response time, throughput, and scalability under different workload conditions.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. Do you automate API Testing?
    Yes, API Testing is automated using tools like SoapUI, Postman, and RestAssured. Automation can help in executing repetitive API tests, handling large-scale testing, and integrating API tests into continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
  2. What are the common security aspects to consider in API Testing?
    Validating authentication and authorization mechanisms, testing for input validation and output encoding to prevent injection attacks, ensuring secure transmission of data over HTTPS, and handling error responses securely to avoid information leakage.
  3. Is API Testing only applicable for web-based applications?
    No, it can be performed on various types of APIs, including web APIs, RESTful APIs, SOAP APIs, microservices APIs, and APIs used in mobile applications.
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Continuous Testing

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Continuous Testing is a fundamental practice in Agile testing that involves running automated tests throughout the software development lifecycle to provide rapid feedback on the quality of the application. It aims to ensure that the software is always in a releasable state, helping early defect detection and allowing for frequent integration and deployment.

Continuous Testing Examples

  • You work in a DevOps team that practices Continuous Testing. Whenever a developer commits code changes, a comprehensive suite of unit tests is automatically executed to validate the correctness of the changes.
  • Your organization follows Continuous Testing by implementing a continuous integration and delivery pipeline. Automated tests, including functional tests, regression tests, and performance tests, are integrated into the pipeline to ensure that each code change is thoroughly tested before deployment.
  • A mobile app development team employs Continuous Testing by leveraging cloud-based testing services. They run automated tests on various real devices in parallel to ensure compatibility across different platforms and screen sizes.
  • An e-commerce company practices Continuous Testing by incorporating user experience testing. They continuously monitor user behavior using analytics and conduct A/B testing to assess the impact of design changes and optimize the buyer experience.

Tips for Continuous Testing

  • Automate as many tests as possible to reduce the effort required for manual test execution and enable faster feedback.
  • Integrate testing into the development and deployment process to catch defects early and prevent their accumulation.
  • Adopt a shift-left approach by involving testers from the beginning of the development cycle to identify defects early and mitigate risks.
  • Leverage virtualization and cloud-based testing services to enable parallel execution on multiple platforms and configurations.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. Is Continuous Testing only applicable to Agile projects?
    No, Continuous Testing can be applied to other software development methodologies, like DevOps, and waterfall. It emphasizes the need for early and frequent testing throughout the development lifecycle.
  2. Does Continuous Testing eliminate the need for manual testing?
    No, rather Continuous Testing complements manual testing. While automated tests provide fast and consistent feedback, manual testing is still necessary for exploratory testing, usability testing, and other test types that require human judgment and creativity.
  3. Can Continuous Testing help improve the overall software quality?
    Yes, Continuous Testing aims to identify issues early in the development process, allowing for prompt defect fixes and reducing the technical debt.
  4. Is Continuous Testing only focused on functional testing?
    No, Continuous Testing encompasses various types of testing, including functional, performance, security, and usability testing. The goal is to validate different aspects of the software continuously.
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Behavior-Driven Development

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Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile approach that focuses on collaboration and communication among developers, testers, and business stakeholders. It emphasizes defining the desired behavior of the system using natural language specifications. BDD promotes shared understanding of the business requirements and user expectations.

Behavior-Driven Development Examples

  • A software development team follows BDD by writing scenarios using a Given-When-Then format to describe the behavior of a new feature. They involve the business in the creation of these scenarios to ensure alignment with the requirements.
  • A web application team practices BDD by using a tool like Cucumber to define executable specifications in a natural language format. They collaborate with product owners to write scenarios that cover various user interactions.
  • A mobile app development team uses BDD to write automated acceptance tests that validate the behavior of the app across different devices and platforms. They specify the expected outcomes in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for both developers and testers to understand.
  • An e-commerce company applies BDD by defining scenarios that cover the end-to-end user journey, including browsing products, adding items to the cart, and completing the logout process

Tips for Behavior-Driven Development

  • Involve the business stakeholders, domain experts and end users in the creation of behavioral scenarios.
  • Focus on clear and concise specifications that can be easily understood by both technical and non-technical team members.
  • Use a BDD framework or tool that supports the natural language syntax to facilitates collaboration.
  • Ensure that the scenarios cover a wide range of possible user interactions including edge cases.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. Can BDD be applied to legacy systems or only for new development?
    BDD can be applied to both new development and legacy (existing) systems. It helps in understanding the behavior of the legacy system and can guide the improvement or refactoring process.
  2. Is BDD limited to certain programming languages or technologies?
    No, BDD can be implemented with various programming languages and technologies. There are BDD frameworks and tools available for different platforms and languages.
  3. Does BDD replace the need for other testing practices like unit testing or integration testing?
    No, rather BDD complements other testing practices. Unit testing and integration testing are still needed to validate the functionality at different test levels.
  4. Can BDD help in improving collaboration between developers and testers?
    Yes, BDD promotes collaboration by providing a shared language and understanding between developers, testers, and business stakeholders. It encourages early discussions and clarifications, reducing confusion, misunderstanding and rework.
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Test-Driven Development

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Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an Agile testing practice where you write automated tests before writing the code. It follows a cycle of writing a test, writing the code to pass the test, and then refactoring the code. TDD helps ensure that the code meets the the desired functionality and improves test coverage.

Test-Driven Development Examples

  • A web development team starts by writing a failing unit test for a specific functionality. They then write the minimum code required to pass the test, continuously running the test to ensure it remains passing. Once the test passes, they refactor the code to improve its quality and remove any duplication.
  • A mobile app development team follows TDD by writing a failing test case for a new feature. They write the code incrementally, ensuring each step passes the test. They frequently run the tests on different devices to ensure compatibility and functionality.
  • A software development team working on an API follows TDD by writing failing integration tests that validate the expected behavior. They then implement the code to pass the tests, making iterative improvements and continuously running the tests to ensure correctness.
  • A software team developing a financial application applies TDD by writing tests for complex calculations. They write failing tests that cover various scenarios, implement the calculations incrementally, and validate the results against the expected values.

Tips for Test-Driven Development

  • Start with small and focused tests that validate specific functionality.
  • Write just enough code to make the failing tests pass.
  • Refactor the code to improve its design, and other quality attributes like readability, and maintainability.
  • Ensure a good balance between test coverage and development speed.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. Is Test-Driven Development suitable for all types of projects?
    Yes, Test-Driven Development can be beneficial for various types of projects, including web development, mobile app development, API development, and complex calculations.
  2. Can you write tests using Test-Driven Development without having the complete requirements?
    Yes, you can write tests using Test-Driven Development even when you have incomplete requirements. The tests act as executable specifications, guiding the development process.
  3. Does Test-Driven Development replace the need for manual testing?
    No, rather Test-Driven Development complements manual testing. Manual testing is still needed to cover scenarios that are difficult to automate.
  4. Does Test-Driven Development guarantee bug-free code?
    Test-Driven Development does not guarantee bug-free code. It is still essential to perform thorough testing.
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May 25, 2023

Agile Testing Principles and Practices

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Agile testing is software testing in which you follow the principles of Agile software development. It involves all members of a cross-functional Agile team to deliver business value to the customer, at frequent intervals (typically between 2 weeks and 2 months). Agile testing uses various test types and techniques like test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and continuous testing.

Agile Testing Examples

  • A web application team uses test-driven development (TDD) to write automated unit tests before coding each user story. They frequently run tests to ensure code quality and functionality. The team also applies behavior-driven development (BDD) to write acceptance tests using a natural language syntax (called Gherkin) to align with customers language.
  • A mobile app team practices continuous testing by running automated tests on every code change using a continuous integration tool. They simulate different mobile devices using a device virtualization tool and perform tests on real devices in different geographical locations using a cloud-based testing service. Test results and metrics are monitored through a dashboard.
  • A cloud-based application team uses service virtualization to test the application. They create and use virtual services that simulate real web services using a service virtualization tool (Postman). Performance testing using a tool (JMeter) determines scalability and reliability under different load conditions.
  • A desktop application team does exploratory testing to test new features and functionalities without predefined test cases or scripts. They prioritize testing based on complexity and importance using a risk-based approach. Customer feedback is collected through a feedback tool.

Tips for Agile Testing

  • Follow Agile testing best practices like short feedback iterations, testing alongside development, involving all team members, and using lightweight documentation.
  • Per your test plan, apply test techniques like test-driven development, behavior-driven development, continuous testing, exploratory testing, parallel testing, cross-browser testing, regression testing, or performance testing to increase testing coverage and efficiency.
  • Focus on relevant testing metrics to measure and monitor the progress and quality of Agile testing.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of Agile testing?
    The purpose of Agile testing is to deliver business value desired by the customer at frequent intervals, working at a sustainable pace.
  2. What are the benefits of Agile testing?
    Agile testing helps determine the quality of software, enhances communication and collaboration among testers and team members, and supports continuous improvement of the software.
  3. What are the challenges of Agile testing?
    Testers face challenges such as changing requirements requiring test design updates, fast project pace, and the need for frequent interactions with team members, clients and end users.
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Agile Testing

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Agile testing is a software testing practice in which you follow the principles of Agile software development. Agile testing involves all members of a cross-functional Agile team to ensure delivering of the business value to the customer at frequent intervals. Agile testing uses various test types and various techniques such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and continuous testing.

Agile Testing Examples

  • A web application team uses test-driven development (TDD) to write automated unit tests before writing the code for each user story. The team runs the tests frequently to test the code quality and functionality. The team also uses behavior-driven development (BDD) to write automated acceptance tests using a natural language syntax (Gherkin) that describes the expected behavior and outcomes of each user story. The team runs the acceptance tests frequently to test the alignment with customer expectations.
  • A mobile app team uses continuous testing to run automated tests on every code change using a continuous integration tool. The team uses a device virtualization tool to simulate different mobile devices. The team also uses a cloud-based testing service to run automated tests on real devices in different geographical locations and networks. The team monitors the test results and metrics using a dashboard.
  • A cloud-based application team uses service virtualization to test the application. The team uses a service virtualization tool (Postman) to create and use virtual services that simulate the behavior and data of real web services. The team also uses a performance testing tool (JMeter) to test the application scalability and reliability under different load conditions.
  • A desktop application team uses exploratory testing to test new features and functionalities without predefined test cases or scripts. The team uses a risk-based approach to prioritize the areas to test based on their complexity and importance. The team also uses a feedback tool to collect customer feedback on their application.

Tips for Agile Testing

  • Use Agile testing best practices such as shortening feedback iteration, testing alongside development, involving all team members, and using lightweight documentation.
  • Use test techniques such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, continuous testing, exploratory testing, parallel testing, cross-browser testing, regression testing, or performance testing that can help you to increase your testing coverage or your efficiency.
  • Use only relevant testing metrics.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of Agile testing?
    Deliver the business value desired by the customer at frequent intervals, working at a sustainable pace.
  2. What are the benefits of Agile testing?
    It helps find out the quality of your software. It enhances the communication and collaboration among testers and other team members. It supports continuous improvement of your software.
  3. What are the challenges of Agile testing?
    The requirements may change at any time, which requires test design updates and testing. The project pace can be fast.  Frequent individual interactions with the team members or working directly with the client and end users or  may be challenging, depending on one's nature.
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Test Virtualization

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Test virtualization is the process of creating and using virtual environments or resources for testing your software Test virtualization helps to overcome the challenges  of testing in real environments, such as dependencies between different components or systems, availability, scalability, cost, and complexity. Test virtualization can help you perform early, frequent, and comprehensive testing.

Test Virtualization Examples

  • A test virtualization tool, such as VMware Workstation or Microsoft Hyper-V, for a desktop application allows testers to create and use virtual machines that simulate the hardware and software configurations of real desktop computers, such as processors, memory, disk space, and applications. This helps testers to test the desktop application without installing or uninstalling multiple real desktop computers.
  • A test virtualization tool, such as Android Emulator or Xcode Simulator, for a mobile app allows testers to create and use virtual devices that simulate the features and functions of real mobile devices, with operating systems, browsers, sensors, and networks. This helps testers to test the mobile app without acquiring or maintaining multiple real mobile devices.
  • A test virtualization tool, such as SoapUI or Postman, for a web application allows testers to create and use virtual services that simulate the behavior and data of real web services, such as APIs, databases, or servers. This helps testers to test the web application without waiting for the availability of the real web services.

Tips for Test Virtualization

  • Use test virtualization best practices such as defining the test virtualization requirements, designing the test virtualization architecture, creating reusable and maintainable virtual assets, generating realistic and diverse virtual data, provisioning virtual assets on demand and in sync with testing cycles.
  • Use test virtualization tools that can help you to automate and streamline your test virtualization activities.
  • As appropriate, use test virtualization techniques such as service virtualization, device virtualization, machine virtualization, or cloud virtualization.
  • Use test virtualization metrics such as number of virtual assets created, test cases linked to virtual assets, defects related to virtual assets, environments provisioned with virtual assets, virtual assets reuse, and virtual assets refreshes.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test virtualization?
    Create, use, maintain, and reuse virtual environments and resources for testing your software.
  2. What are the benefits of test virtualization?
    It overcomes the challenges of testing in real environments. It enables early, frequent, and comprehensive testing.
  3. What are the challenges of test virtualization?
    It requires an initial investment in terms of cost, time, training, and implementation. Test virtualization may have some limitations of features or functionality. It needs maintenance and updates.
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Test Data Management

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Test data management is the process of planning, designing, procurement, storing, maintaining, securing and using the data that is used for testing software. Test data management helps to ensure that the data used for software testing is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date, and it properly reflects the real-world conditions in which the software will run. Test data management also helps to improve the quality and efficiency of testing, to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or misuse.

Test Data Management Examples

  • A test data management tool for a web application allows testers to create, edit, delete, and assign test data sets, link test data sets to test cases, generate synthetic or masked test data, provision test data to test environments, and monitor test data usage and quality.
  • A test data management tool for a desktop application allows testers to locally create, edit, delete, and assign test data sets, link test data sets to operating systems or the desktop application, generate synthetic or masked test data, provision test data to test environments, and monitor test data usage and quality.
  • A test data management tool for a cloud-based application allow testers to create, edit, delete, and assign test data sets, link test data sets to cloud platforms or cloud services, generate synthetic or masked test data, provision test data to test environments, and monitor test data usage and quality.
  • A test data management tool for a mobile app allows testers to create, edit, delete, and assign test data sets, link test data sets to mobile devices or emulators, generate synthetic or masked test data, provision test data to test environments, and monitor test data usage and quality.

Tips for Test Data Management

  • Use best practices such as defining the test data requirements and scope, designing the test data architecture, creating baseline and reusable and maintainable test data sets, generating realistic and diverse test data, provisioning test data on demand and in sync with testing cycles.
  • Use a test data management tool for version control, and to automate and streamline your test data management activities
  • Use test data management techniques such as synthetic data generation, production cloning, production masking, production subsetting, self-service provisioning for creating high-fidelity and compliant test data.
  • Use test data management measurements such as number of test data sets created, test cases linked to test data sets, defects related to test data, environments provisioned with test data, test data reuse, test data refreshes, sensitive fields masked, records subsetted to help you evaluate and improve your test data activities.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test data management?
    Provide high-quality and compliant data for testing your software.
  2. What are the benefits of test data management?
    It improves the variety, quality and efficiency of software testing. It reduces the need to design test data during test execution. It protects sensitive test data from unauthorized access or misuse.
  3. What are the challenges of test data management?
    It requires initial investment in terms of cost, time, training, and implementation. The test data management tool may not be compatible with the type of software tested, or it may have limited features or functionality, and it may need regular maintenance and updates.
  4. How to evaluate a test data management tool?
    Ease of use, features, version control, functionality, integration with test management tools, concurrent user support, security, customer support and pricing.
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Test Automation Frameworks and Tools

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Test automation frameworks and tools are the software that help to automate the testing activities for your software. They provide a structured and standardized way of creating, automatically executing, and reporting test cases.

Test Automation Frameworks and Tools Examples

  • Selenium is a free test automation framework and tool that supports web testing. Selenium allows testers to create and run test cases using various programming languages, browsers, and platforms. It consists of components such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and Selenium Client API.
  • Katalon Studio is a test automation framework and tool that supports web, mobile, and API testing. It allows testers to create and run test cases using either a no-code interface or a scripting interface. It offers features such as test case management, test execution, test reporting, test analytics, and test integration.
  • TestNG is a test automation framework that supports Java testing. It allows testers to create and run test cases using annotations, parameters, groups, dependencies, assertions, and listeners. It offers features such as data-driven testing, parallel testing, cross-browser testing, and test reporting.
  • Cucumber is a test automation framework that supports behavior-driven development (BDD) testing. It allows testers to create and run test cases using a natural language syntax called Gherkin. It offers features such as scenario outline, data table, hooks, tags, step definitions, and reports.
  • Appium is a test automation framework and tool that supports mobile testing. It allows testers to create and run test cases using any of various supported programming languages and platforms. It offers features such as native app testing, hybrid app testing, web app testing, cross-platform testing, and parallel testing.

Tips for Test Automation Frameworks and Tools

  • Select test automation framework and tool that suits your budget, software type, testing scope, skills, testing methodology, integration needs, and user preferences.
  • Use a test automation framework and tool that provides traceability between requirements, test cases, defect reports, and test results to find if the test cases cover each requirement.
  • Use a test automation framework and tool that generates relevant and actionable test metrics and reports to monitor the progress of software testing and quality of your software.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the primary purpose of test automation frameworks and tools?
    Facilitate the automation of testing activities for your software in a systematic and structured way.
  2. What are the benefits of test automation frameworks and tools?
    They help to improve the coverage and speed of software testing. They reduce the complexity or duplicity of testing tasks. They provide visibility and traceability of testing activities. They support continuous improvement of testing processes.
  3. What are the challenges of test automation frameworks and tools?
    They require initial investment in terms of cost, time, training, and implementation. They may not be compatible with all types of software types or testing tools. They may be limited in features or functionality. They need regular maintenance and updates.
  4. How do you evaluate a test automation framework or tool?
    It depends on the type of software to be tested, such as web application, mobile app, and desktop application. The criteria includes ease of use, features, skill requirements, integration with other tools, parallelism, security, support and pricing.
Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

May 24, 2023

Test Execution and Reporting

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Test execution and reporting are the processes of running the test cases on the software product and documenting the test results. Test execution and reporting help to determine the functionality and other quality aspects of your software and identify any defects that need to be fixed

Test Execution and Reporting Examples

  • A test execution and reporting tool for a web application allows testers to run test cases manually or automatically, record test results and defect reports, generate test reports and metrics for the team.
  • A test execution and reporting tool for a cloud-based application allows testers to execute test cases manually or with test automation, record test results and defect reports on the cloud, and email test reports and metrics to the team members.
  • A test execution and reporting tool for a mobile app allows testers to execute test cases manually or automatically, store test results and defect reports on the server, generate test reports and test metrics, and notify the team members.

Tips for Test Execution and Reporting

  • Use best practices such as following a consistent testing procedure, prioritizing test execution of critical or high-risk features' test cases, analyzing test results, logging defects accurately, and retesting fixed defects.
  • Use your test execution and reporting tool to streamline your testing activities.
  • Use test execution techniques, such as parallel testing, cross-browser testing, regression testing, or exploratory testing to help you to increase your testing coverage and efficiency.
  • Use appropriate test execution measurements and metrics from number of test cases executed, number of defects detected, number of defects fixed, number of defects reopened, defect density, defect severity, defect resolution time, defect leakage, defect removal efficiency, defect detection percentage, defect detection effectiveness, defect age, defect trend, defect root cause analysis, defect prevention analysis that can help you to evaluate and improve your software quality.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test execution and reporting?
    Run the test cases on your software and document the test results and any defects discovered during testing.
  2. What are the benefits of test execution and reporting?
    Test execution is the core software testing activity. It helps you determine the functionality and other quality aspects of your software. It helps you identify any defects that need to be fixed. Test execution reporting provides software quality feedback and visibility to the software stakeholders.
  3. What are the challenges of test execution and reporting?
    Test execution and reporting need investment in terms of cost, time, resources, and skills to setup the test environment, test automation and reporting systems. These systems need review and updates. Test execution and reporting needs to be performed after there are changes in requirements or specifications, defect fixes or enhancements to the software.
  4. How do you evaluate a test execution and reporting tool?
    Pricing, functionality, notifications, integration, parallelism, security, and support.
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Test Case Management

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Test case management is the process of organizing, executing, and tracking the test cases that are used to validate the functionality and other quality aspects of a software. Test case management helps to have test cases that are designed, documented, executed, and maintained according to the test plan. Test case management helps to measure and improve the testing process.

Test Case Management Examples

  • A test case management tool for a web application allows testers to create, edit, delete, and assign test cases, link test cases to requirements (such as user stories), execute test cases manually or using automation, record test results and defect reports, generate test metrics, and collaborate with team members.
  • A test case management tool for a mobile application allows software testers to create, edit, delete, and assign test cases, link test cases to devices or emulators, run test cases manually or automatically, record test results and defect reports, generate test metrics, and collaborate with the developers.
  • A test case management tool for a cloud-based application allows users to create, update, delete, and assign test cases, link test cases to specific cloud platforms or services, run test cases manually or with automation, record test results and defect reports, generate test metrics, and collaborate with the developers, and other stakeholders.

Tips for Test Case Management

  • Use best practices such as following a consistent naming convention for test cases, grouping related test cases into logical modules or folders, prioritizing test cases consistently, reviewing and updating test cases when requirements change, and reusing existing test cases whenever possible.
  • Use test case management tools to automate and streamline your test case related activities.
  • Use test case management techniques such as parameterization, data-driven testing, or behavior-driven testing that can help you to create more effective and reusable test cases.
  • Use appropriate test case management measurements and metrics from number of test cases executed, number of defects detected, number of defects fixed, number of defects reopened, defect density, defect severity, defect resolution time, defect leakage, defect removal efficiency, defect detection percentage, defect detection effectiveness, defect age, defect trend, defect root cause analysis, defect prevention analysis that can help you to evaluate and improve your testing quality and performance.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test case management?
    Organize, execute, and track the test cases that are used to validate the functionality and other quality aspects of a software.
  2. What are the benefits of test case management?
    They provide a structured and systematic way of handling test cases. They facilitate communication and collaboration among stakeholders. They support quality assurance and improvement of testing processes and outcomes.
  3. What are the challenges of test case management?
    It requires initial and some ongoing investment in terms of cost, time, resources, and skills.
  4. How to evaluate a test case management tool?
    Pricing, functionality, integration, scalability, security, and support.

Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Test Planning and Estimation

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Test planning and estimation are the processes of defining and planning all the testing activities for your software. Test planning involves identifying the test objectives, scope, strategy, approach, resources, schedule, deliverables, and risks. Test estimation involves predicting the effort, duration, inter-dependencies and cost required to perform testing.

Test Planning and Estimation Examples

  • A test plan for a web application includes the following information: test objectives (such as validating the functionality, performance, security, and usability of the web application), test scope (such as the features, modules, browsers, and platforms to be tested and not to be tested), test strategy (such as the test techniques, tools, test levels, and test types), test resources (such as the test team members, roles and responsibilities, skills, and test environment equipment), test schedule (such as the start dates, test milestones, activities, and deadlines), test deliverables (such as the test cases, test data, test results, and test reports), and test risks (such as the potential issues, impacts, and mitigation plans for testing).
  • A test estimation for a mobile application includes the following information: test effort (such as the number of person-hours required to design, and execute tests, and report test results and defect reports), test time (such as the number of testing days or weeks required to complete testing), and test cost (for all the resources for the testing days). Test estimation may use different techniques such as expert judgment, analogy, work breakdown structure, three-point estimation, function point analysis, or use case point analysis.

Tips for Test Planning and Estimation

  • Use your organization's test planning and estimation templates or tools to plan and estimate quickly.
  • Use best practices such as basing the test plan and test estimate on realistic assumptions and historical data, involving relevant stakeholders for reviews, updating the test plan and test estimate when changes occur, and tracking and measuring the actual vs planned or testing progress.
  • Using test techniques such as risk-based testing, exploratory testing, or agile testing can help you to optimize your testing activities according to your project context.
  • Use test metrics such as test coverage, test effectiveness, test efficiency, or test progress to help you to evaluate and improve your testing activities.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test planning and estimation?
    Define and plan the testing activities for your software in an organized way.
  2. What are the benefits of test planning and estimation?
    They help alignment of testing with business requirements. They provide a clear path for testing. They facilitate communication and collaboration among stakeholders. They enable visibility, effective management, and control of testing resources. Test plan and test estimate provide input data for quality assurance and improvement of testing processes.
  3. What challenges do you face in test planning and estimation?
    They require initial investment in terms of cost, time, resources, and skills. They are affected by changes in requirements or specifications. There are risks in testing, which need constant review. The test plan and estimate have to be updated when the requirements or risks change.
  4. How do you evaluate a test plan or estimate?
    Correct template used, completeness of activities, reasonableness of estimates, activity dependencies, and traceability to requirements and technical specifications.
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Test Metrics and Measurement

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Test metrics and measurement are the methods of quantifying and evaluating the quality, effectiveness, efficiency, and performance of software testing processes and deliverables. Test metrics and measurement help to monitor and align the testing activities, identify areas of improvement, and provide input data for future testing projects.

Test Metrics and Measurement Examples

  • Defect Density measures the number of defects detected in a software module or product, relative to its size. It is calculated by dividing the total number of defects by the total number of lines of code or function points. Defect density helps to assess the quality of the software or compare its quality with that of other software.
  • Test Coverage measures the extent to which the software features or requirements are covered by the test cases. It is calculated by dividing the number of features or requirements tested by the total number of features or requirements. Test coverage ratio helps to know the completeness of testing.
  • Test Effectiveness measures the ability of testing to find defects in the software. It is calculated by dividing the number of defects found by testing by the total number of defects found by testing and users. Test effectiveness ratio helps to evaluate the quality of current software testing.
  • Test Efficiency measures the productivity and resource utilization of testing. It is calculated by dividing the number of test cases executed by the total time or effort spent on testing. Test efficiency helps to know the testing process.
  • Test Progress measures the status and rate of completion of testing activities. It is calculated by comparing the actual and planned test cases executed, defects reported, and test results with the planned. Test progress helps to track and adjust the testing schedule.

Tips for Test Metrics and Measurement

  • Choose test metrics that are relevant for your testing objectives, and stakeholders.
  • Your test metrics should be actionable.
  • Collect test data from the specific reliable sources, such as your test management tool, defect tracking tool, and test automation tools.
  • Visualize the test metrics as graphs, charts, tables, and analyze them.
  • Report test metrics promptly, using summary, visualization, and recommendations.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test metrics and measurement?
    Find out and improve the quality and efficiency of software testing processes and deliverables.
  2. What are the benefits of test metrics and measurement?
    They provide quantitative data about software testing. They help in monitoring and controlling testing activities, identify strengths and weaknesses of testing processes and provide data for future testing.
  3. What challenges do you face with of test metrics and measurement?
    They require investment in terms of cost, time, resources, and skills. They may not capture all aspects of software testing quality. They may indicate a distorted view of software testing progress. They need personalization according to the stakeholders' needs.
  4. How do you evaluate a test metric or measurement?
    By determining its relevance, validity, usefulness; simplicity and reliability.
Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Test Environment Management

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Test environment management is the process of creating, maintaining, and controlling the test environments that are used for software testing. A test environment is a setup of software and hardware that is similar to the production environment where the software will be deployed. Test environment management aims to ensure that the test environments are valid, stable, and usable for executing test cases or replicating bugs.

Test Environment Management Examples

  • A web application test environment consists of a web server, a database server, a browser, and a high-bandwidth network connection. The test environment management includes installing and configuring the web server and the database server, generating and loading the test data in the database, setting up the browser and the network settings, and monitoring the performance and availability of the test environment.
  • A mobile app testing environment consists of physical mobile device, emulators, operating systems, and the mobile app. The test environment management involves acquiring the mobile devices and the emulators, installing and updating the operating systems and the mobile app, setting up the devices and the emulator settings, test environment maintenance, debugging and troubleshooting the test environment.
  • A cloud-based application test environment includes the cloud platform, cloud services, the application, and a high-bandwidth network connection. The test environment management includes setting up the cloud platform and the cloud service, deploying and updating the application to the cloud, setting up the network connection and security, and scaling and optimizing the test environment.
  • A desktop application test environment includes a desktop computer or laptop, an operating system, a printer, and the application. The test environment management involves setting up the computer hardware and software, installing and updating the operating system and the application, connecting and configuring the printer, and verifying and validating the test environment.

Tips for Test Environment Management

  • Use test environment management tools that can automate some of the tasks such as resetting (cleaning up), creating, configuring, deploying, and monitoring and test environments.
  • Use best practices, such as defining clear roles and responsibilities for test environment management team members, documenting test environment requirements and specifications, establishing test environment standards and policies, reusing existing test environments whenever possible, and isolating test environments from other environments to avoid interference.
  • Use test environment management techniques such as virtualization, containerization, simulation, or stubbing to create test environments that are flexible, scalable, portable, or realistic.
  • Use test environment management metrics such as availability, utilization, error rate, and incident resolution time to measure and improve the quality and efficiency of test environments.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test environment management?
    Provide stable and consistent test environments for software testing that can simulate the real-world environment in which the software will be run.
  2. What are the benefits of test environment management?
    It reduces the risk of defects or failures in production due to environmental differences. It increases the productivity of testers by reducing the time and effort spent on setting up and maintaining test environments. It supports continuous testing and delivery by enabling faster feedback loops.
  3. What are the challenges of test environment management?
    It requires initial investment in terms of cost, time, resources, and skills. It may not be able to replicate all aspects of production environment due to technical or legal limitations. It may need frequent changes or updates due to fixes or enhancements. There are issues such as configuration errors, compatibility issues, performance issues, and security issues.
  4. How to evaluate a test environment management tool?
    Based on pricing, security, ease of use, scalability, customization, integration with other tools, and support.
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Test Management and Tools

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Test management and tools are the processes and tools that help to plan, organize, execute, and report software testing activities. Test management must be aligned with the quality objectives. Test management and tools aim to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing by providing a systematic and structured way of managing test assets, test cases, test results, defect reports, and test reports.

Test Management Tools Examples

  • Zephyr is a test management tool that integrates with Jira and supports agile testing. It allows users to create, execute, and track test cases, manage test cycles and releases, generate test metrics and reports, and collaborate with team members.
  • TestMonitor is a test management tool that helps users to design, run, and manage manual and automated tests. It offers features such as test case management, test run management, defect tracking, requirement traceability, risk analysis, and test reporting.
  • Kualitee is a test management tool that enables users to manage test projects, test cases, test scenarios, test executions, defects, and test reports. It also integrates with bug tracking tools like Jira, Bugzilla, Mantis, etc.
  • PractiTest is a test management tool that provides end-to-end testing solutions for various types of testing. It allows users to create and manage test cases, test sets, test runs, defects, requirements, integrations, dashboards, and reports.
  • QADeputy is a test management tool that helps users to create and execute automated tests using a codeless interface. It also supports manual testing, cross-browser testing, mobile testing, API testing, performance testing, and security testing.

Tips for Test Management and Tools

  • Select a test management tool that suits your software development process, testing methodologies, budget, integration needs, and testers' preferences.
  • Use a test management tool that supports both manual and automated testing.
  • Use a test management tool that provides traceability between requirements, test cases, defect reports, and test results to ensure alignment with business requirements.
  • Use a test management tool that generates test metrics and reports to monitor the progress and quality of software testing.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of test management?
    Facilitate the planning, organization, execution, and reporting of software testing activities in a systematic and structured way.
  2. What are the benefits of test management tools?
    They improve the efficiency of software testing by providing the necessary data in a single repository. They help reduce the complexity and duplicity of testing tasks. They enable the communication between testers and other stakeholders. They provide traceability of testing activities and current visibility. They enable continuous improvement of testing processes by presenting the testing data in various formats.
  3. What are the challenges of test management tools?
    They require upfront investment in cost, time, training, and implementation. They may not be compatible with all other testing tools. They may have limited features or functionality. They need backup, maintenance and updates.
  4. How to evaluate a test management tool?
    Pricing, security, ease of use, scalability, customization, integration with other tools, and support.
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Cause-Effect Graphing

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Cause-effect graphing is a technique to test software by using a graph or a table to represent the causes and effects of defects in software. You test each cause of a specific feature (a user story, or a business requirement) and validate each effect. Cause-effect graphing is based on software requirements and specifications.

Cause-Effect Graphing Examples

  • You test a login feature. You brainstorm all the factors that could potentially affect the login feature. You draw a graph to show the factors (causes) of the feature, such as username, password, and login status. You also show the effects of the feature, such as message, access, and session creation. You then connect each cause to the effects with a line. If you believe that two causes are related, you draw a line between them. Then, you design and execute test cases that test each cause and effect.
  • You test a money transfer feature. You draw a graph or a table to show the causes of the system, such as account selection, OTP match, transfer amount, and sufficient balance. You also show the effects of the feature, such as deduction, addition, and confirmation. You then connect each cause to the effects with a line. If two causes are related, you draw a line between them. You test each cause and validate each effect.
  • You test a flight booking feature. You create a table to show the causes of the feature, such as destination, date, availability, and payment. You also show the effects of the feature, such as ticket generation, and confirmation. Using your cause effect table, you test each cause independently and related causes together and validate each effect.

Tips for Cause-Effect Graphing

  • Prioritize the critical features of your software for cause-effect graphing.
  • Select the features of the system that depend on the causes and effects.
  • Identify the causes and effects of the system with the help of user stories use cases, scenarios, flowcharts, and other requirements.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of cause-effect graphing?
    Its a graphical representation that represents multiple factors (causes) and outcomes (effects) of a feature.
  2. What is the advantage of cause-effect graphing?
    It helps design tests that consider all causes and the relationships between them. The stakeholders can visualize the software behavior in a clear and concise way
  3. What challenges do you face in cause-effect graphing?
    It is difficult to identify all the potential causes that could affect the outcomes. It takes significant effort to create and maintain graphs or tables for large or complex systems. It is difficult to validate the accuracy of the cause-effect graph.
  4. Is cause-effect graphing a type of black-box testing?
    Yes, it is a test design technique that needs basic or no knowledge of the software code or structure.
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Error Guessing

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Error guessing is a test technique in software testing that works by guessing the errors that might occur in the software. You test the software with inputs or scenarios that are likely to cause errors. You test how the software handles common or expected errors. Error guessing is based on your experience and intuition.

Error Guessing Examples

  • You test the login feature of your website. You guess that the website may have errors with invalid username, invalid password, blank username, blank password, etc. You test the software with these inputs and validate each output.
  • You test the flight booking feature of your mobile app. You guess that the software might have errors with unavailable destination, past date, expired credit card, sold out seats etc. You test the software using these test inputs and check each output.
  • You test your calculator app. You guess that the software might have errors with zero division, overflow (result too large), underflow (result too small), etc. You test the software with these scenarios.
  • You test the money transfer feature of your online banking application. You guess that the software might have errors with invalid account number, negative amount, insufficient balance, invalid OTP (one time password), timeout etc. You test your application using these test scenarios.

Tips for Error Guessing

  • Use test techniques such as boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, decision table testing, etc. to design test inputs that should result in errors.
  • Test both positive and negative scenarios to test if the software handles them appropriately.
  • Test the relevant feature of the software that has the error handling.
  • Use tools to automate tasks, such as generating test inputs, generating tests, executing tests, and reporting results.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of error guessing?
    Find defects that might not be detected by formal testing techniques.
  2. What is the advantage of error guessing?
    It leverages the tester's experience and intuition to test the software more effectively. It can find if common and expected errors are handled appropriately by the software.
  3. What is the disadvantage of error guessing?
    It is subjective and inconsistent, since it depends on the tester's knowledge. It focuses on error conditions, instead of the normal workflow (the happy path ☺).
  4. Is error guessing a type of black-box testing?
    Yes, it is a technique that helps test the software without knowing its structure or code.
Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

State Transition Testing

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State transition testing is a technique to test software by using a state diagram or a state table to represent the states of the software and the valid transitions between them. Starting from the initial state, you test each state transition and test the next state, until you reach a final state or the initial state. You test how the software behaves with different event sequences. State transition testing is based on software requirements and technical specifications.

State Transition Testing Examples

  • You test a login feature. You use a state diagram or a state table to show the states of the system, such as logged out, logged in, and locked out. Starting from the logged out state, you test each valid state transition.
  • You test a money transfer feature. You use a state diagram or a state table to show the states of the system, such as account selected, amount entered, confirmed, and completed. You test each valid state transition. You also test that any invalid state transition, such as completed to confirmed is impossible.
  • You test a flight booking feature. You use a state transition diagram or a state table to show the states of the system, such as destination selected, date selected, seat selected, payment made, and confirmation sent. You test that each valid state transition is possible and each invalid state transition is impossible
  • You test a calculator feature. You use a diagram or a table to show the states of the system, such as first number entered, operator entered, result displayed, or error displayed. You test each state transition from the initial state to a final state (result displayed, or error displayed).

Tips for State Transition Testing

  • Identify the states and transitions of the system using the software requirements, use cases, flowcharts, etc.
  • Test both valid and invalid state transitions to know if the system handles them appropriately.
  • Test the relevant workflows of the system that depend on the states and transitions in the state diagram or state table.
  • Use tools to automate tasks, such as generating state table, executing tests, and reporting results.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of state transition testing?
    The purpose of state transition testing is to test systems that behave based on their previous state or input history.
  2. What is the advantage of state transition testing?
    It can show the system behavior in a visual manner. It can help to cover all given states and valid transitions.
  3. What is the disadvantage of state transition testing?
    It can be complex to create and maintain state diagrams or state tables for large and complex systems. It can be hard to trace the test cases back to the requirements.
  4. Is state transition testing a type of black-box testing?
    Yes, it is a technique that can help test the software without using the knowledge of its code or structure.
Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Decision Table Testing

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Decision table testing is a technique to test software by using a table to represent the combinations of inputs and expected outputs (actions ) of a software feature. You test using each column of the table and validate if each output is present. You test if the software works correctly with different logic and rules. Decision table testing is typically used to test software requirements, with a large number of conditions.

Decision Table Testing Examples

  • You test a login feature. You create a table to show the combinations of username, password, and login status. You test each column of the table and validate if the action is correct.
  • You test a money transfer feature. You use a table to show the combinations of account approval, OTP match, sufficient balance, and transfer status. You test each column of the table and test the actions.
  • You test a flight booking feature. You use a table that has the combinations of destination, date, availability, and booking status. You test each column of the table and test the actions.
  • You test a calculator feature. You create a table with the combinations of numbers, operators, and results. You test each column of the table and validate the output in each column.

Tips for Decision Table Testing

  • Use different test techniques to identify the input conditions and output actions, such as equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, etc.
  • Test both valid and invalid combinations to test how the software handles them.
  • Test the relevant feature of the software that depends on the input conditions.
  • Use appropriate tools to automate the testing tasks, such as generating test inputs, generating combinations of test inputs, executing tests, and reporting results.

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the purpose of decision table testing?
    The purpose of decision table testing is to test complex business logic and rules by using a tabular representation of test inputs and action outputs.
  2. What is the advantage of decision table testing?
    It simplifies the tests by showing all possible combinations in a clear and concise way.
  3. What are the challenges of decision table testing?
    It can be difficult to create and maintain decision tables for large and complex software requirements, such as nested requirements or nested exceptions. It can be hard to trace the test cases back to the requirements.
  4. Is decision table testing a type of black-box testing?
    Yes, it is a technique that tests the software without leveraging the knowledge of its code or structure.
Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.