June 23, 2023

JavaScript Conditional Statements

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JavaScript Conditional Statements

You can use JavaScript conditional statements to check a condition and run different blocks of code accordingly. What are the conditional statements in JavaScript? JavaScript conditional statements allow you to compute the value of an expression and then execute blocks of code depending on the result.

The JavaScript conditional operator, also known as the ternary operator, provides a simple way to write conditional statements. JavaScript conditional operator allows you to assign a value to a variable based on a condition, compacting your code.

JavaScript conditional chaining allows you to combine multiple conditions using logical operators (such as && and ||) to create complex decision-making structures. It enables you to run specific code blocks based on various combinations of conditions.

JavaScript Conditional Example

// JavaScript conditional example
var age = 25;
// How do we write an if statement in JavaScript?
// if followed by a condition within parentheses, followed by if block and else block
if (age >= 18) {
  document.write("You are eligible to vote!"); // Output message if the condition is true
} else {
  document.write("You are not eligible to vote."); // Output message if the condition is false

JavaScript Conditional Operator Example

// JavaScript conditional operator example
var isRaining = true;
var weatherMessage = isRaining ? "Remember to take an umbrella." : "Enjoy hands-free!";
document.write(weatherMessage); // Output the corresponding message based on the condition

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is the purpose of conditional statements in JavaScript?
    To make decisions and run different code blocks based on conditions
    To define variables in JavaScript
    To perform arithmetic calculations
  2. What is the JavaScript conditional operator?
    A loop used for iterating over arrays
    A concise way to write conditional statements in JavaScript
    A function for generating random numbers
  3. What is conditional chaining in JavaScript?
    A technique for sorting arrays in ascending order
    A method for encrypting data in JavaScript
    The combination of multiple conditions using logical operators in JavaScript
  4. What happens when a JavaScript condition is true?
    The corresponding code block is executed
    The program terminates immediately
    The condition is ignored and the code continues execution
  5. What is the purpose of the JavaScript conditional example above?
    To demonstrate mathematical calculations
    To show how conditional statements can be used to determine voting eligibility
    To introduce advanced JavaScript concepts

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