June 28, 2023

JavaScript debugging

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JavaScript Debugging

JavaScript debugging is the process of fixing issues, bugs, or errors in JavaScript code. Debugging helps you understand how your code in more detail.

When debugging JavaScript, you can use techniques such as console.log() statements, breakpoints, and the debugger keyword to pause code execution and examine the values of variables at specific points. Understanding common debugging practices and utilizing browser console tools can help in your debugging process.

Web browsers like Chrome and development environments like Visual Studio provide debugging tools that enable you to step through your code, set breakpoints, inspect variables, and track the flow of execution.

JavaScript Debugging Example

// Function to calculate the sum of two numbers
function add(a, b) {
  // Debugging - Check the input values
  console.log('a:', a);
  console.log('b:', b);

  // Debugging - Pause execution
  // Check the console logs. Then play the script. 

  const sum = a + b;

  // Debugging - Check the result
  console.log('sum:', sum);

  return sum;

// Call the function
add(10, 20);

In this example, we use console.log() statements and the debugger keyword to debug the code. The console.log() statements help us check the input values and the calculated sum. The debugger keyword pauses the code execution, allowing us to inspect variables and step through the code using browser debugging tools.

JavaScript Debugging FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is JavaScript debugging?
    Identifying issues in JavaScript code
    The process of fixing issues, bugs, or errors in JavaScript code
    The process of executing JavaScript code
  2. How to debug JavaScript easily?
    Using complex debugging techniques
    By using debugging tools provided by web browsers and development environments
    By using pen and paper
  3. What are common JavaScript debugging techniques?
    Using console.log(), breakpoints, and the debugger keyword
    Debugging techniques are unnecessary.
    Using JavaScript libraries for debugging
  4. Where can you perform JavaScript debugging?
    In web browsers like Chrome and development environments like Visual Studio
    Only in web browsers
    In command-line interfaces only
  5. What is the purpose of JavaScript debugging?
    To introduce more bugs into the code
    To fix errors in JavaScript code
    To optimize JavaScript code for performance

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Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.

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