June 26, 2023

Modify DOM element JavaScript

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Modify DOM Element Using JavaScript

You can modify DOM elements using JavaScript to manipulate their content, style, and behavior on your web page.

You can change the style of a DOM element by accessing its style property and modifying its attributes using JavaScript.

With JavaScript, you can modify DOM elements by updating their attributes, adding or removing classes, or changing their innerHTML. Modifying DOM elements using JavaScript allows you to create dynamic and interactive web pages.

Example: Modify DOM Element Using JavaScript

document.body = document.createElement('body');

var element = document.createElement('p');
element.textContent = 'Example element.';
element.id = 'example-id';

// JavaScript example for modifying a DOM element
var element = document.getElementById('example-id');
element.style.color = 'red';
element.innerHTML = 'Learn JavaScript by Software Testing Space.';

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. Can you modify DOM elements with JavaScript?
    Yes, you can modify DOM elements using JavaScript.
    Modifying DOM elements is not possible with JavaScript.
    DOM modification requires external JavaScript libraries.
  2. How do you modify an element in DOM?
    To modify an element in the DOM, you can access the element and update its properties or content using JavaScript.
    DOM elements cannot be modified in JavaScript.
    Modifying DOM elements requires complex JavaScript techniques.
  3. How can you change the style of a DOM element?
    You can change the style of a DOM element by accessing its style property and modifying its attributes using JavaScript.
    DOM elements cannot have their styles modified in JavaScript.
    Changing the style of DOM elements is only possible with CSS.
  4. What can you achieve by modifying DOM elements using JavaScript?
    Modifying DOM elements has no impact on web page interactivity.
    Modifying DOM elements is only useful for improving website performance.
    By modifying DOM elements using JavaScript, you can create dynamic and interactive web pages.
  5. Is JavaScript the only way to modify DOM elements?
    JavaScript is the only language capable of modifying DOM elements.
    No, JavaScript is not the only way to modify DOM elements.
    Modifying DOM elements is possible only with server-side programming languages.

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Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.

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