May 17, 2024

Test automation code refactoring techniques

Test automation code refactoring techniques

Code refactoring techniques in QA automation involve restructuring existing code to improve readability, maintainability and performance, without the automation code's external behavior.


// Example 1: Extracting methods
public class LoginPageTests {
    public void loginWithValidCredentials() {
        // Test steps

    // Extracted methods
    private void enterUsername() {
        // Code to enter username

    private void enterPassword() {
        // Code to enter password

    private void clickLoginButton() {
        // Code to click login button

    private void verifyLoginSuccess() {
        // Code to verify login success

// Example 2: Renaming variables
public class TestConstants {
    public static final String USERNAME_FIELD = "username";
    public static final String PASSWORD_FIELD = "password";

// Example 3: Simplifying conditional statements
public class HomePageTests {
    public void verifyUserWelcomeMessage() {
        if (isLoggedIn()) {
            // Code to verify welcome message for logged-in user
        } else {
            // Code to verify welcome message for guest user

    private boolean isLoggedIn() {
        // Code to check if user is logged in
        return true;

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What are code refactoring techniques?
    Restructuring existing code to improve readability, maintainability, and performance
    Writing new code from scratch
    Adding new features to existing code
  2. Why is code refactoring important in QA automation?
    It reduces test coverage
    It increases code complexity
    It improves code quality, readability, and maintainability
  3. What is the goal of extracting methods during code refactoring?
    To increase code duplication
    To break down complex code into smaller, reusable components
    To add unnecessary complexity to the code
  4. How can code refactoring help in improving code performance?
    By optimizing code structure and removing redundant operations
    By adding more features to the code
    By increasing code complexity
  5. When should code refactoring be performed?
    Only when a major bug is discovered
    Regularly, as part of the development process, to maintain code quality
    Never, it's better to rewrite the entire code from scratch

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