July 03, 2023

Javascript Building Application with Frameworks

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JavaScript Building Application with Frameworks

You can build web applications using JavaScript frameworks, that provide tools and libraries for web development. Some popular JavaScript frameworks include React, Angular, and Vue js.

JavaScript Building Application with Frameworks Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/react@17.0.2/umd/react.development.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@17.0.2/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
  <div id="app">
    <p id="data"></p>

    const data = 'Inder P Singh'; // Set the value of the data variable

    const app = React.createElement('div', null,
      React.createElement('h1', null, 'JavaScript Training by Software Testing Space!'),
      React.createElement('p', null, 'JavaScript application built with React framework.'),
      React.createElement('p', { id: 'data' }, data) // Pass the value of the data variable

    ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('app'));

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. Which JavaScript framework is used for web development?
  2. What is a web framework in JavaScript?
    A software development methodology
    A toolset for building web applications
    A network protocol
  3. What are two examples of frameworks that are used with JavaScript?
    React and Vue.js
    Ruby on Rails and Django
    C++ and Java
  4. What is reactivity in JavaScript frameworks?
    The process of optimizing code performance
    A design pattern for object-oriented programming
    The ability to automatically update the user interface when data changes
  5. How can components be used in JavaScript frameworks?
    Components can be used to create reusable and modular UI elements.
    Components can be used to define database schemas.
    Components can be used to handle HTTP requests.

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