May 23, 2023

White-box Testing

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White-box testing is a test technique in software testing that uses the knowledge of its structure and code. You test the code and analyze how the code works. White-box testing is based on software design and code.

White-box Testing Examples

  • You test a web application. You test if the code handles user inputs and outputs, connects to the correct database and follows the secure coding practices.
  • You test a software using a sorting algorithm. You test if the code handles different types of inputs, follows the logic of the algorithm, and sorts the data correctly.
  • You test a calculator app. You test if the code handles invalid inputs and outputs, covers all supported arithmetic operations, and displays error messages or correct results.
  • You test an online game. You test if the code implements the game play logic, graphics and sound players, and controls correctly.

Tips for White-box Testing

  • Use different techniques to measure code coverage, such as statement coverage, branch coverage, path coverage, etc.
  • Test both normal and exceptional scenarios to test if the code handles them.
  • Test all units of the software, such as functions, loops, conditions, etc.
  • Use tools to automate some of the testing tasks, such as generating test data inputs, executing tests (e.g., by using Selenium and JUnit), and compiling results (e.g., by using Code Coverage Analyzers).

FAQ (interview questions and answers)

  1. What is the difference between white-box testing and black-box testing?
    White-box testing requires a deep knowledge of the software architecture and code. Black-box testing ignores the knowledge of the software architecture and code.
  2. What is the advantage of white-box testing?
    It can test the software at the code level, which enables pinpointing the root cause of a defect. Apart from finding logical defects, it can even find structural defects.
  3. What challenges do you face in white-box testing?
    It can be complex, repetitive and time-consuming. It requires developer-level technical skills and deep code knowledge.
  4. Is path coverage a type of white-box testing?
    Yes, it is a technique to test the software by covering all possible paths in the specific code.
Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

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