February 06, 2023

BDD with BDD full form (BDD stands for) | BDD Cucumber | BDD meaning | BDD testing | BDD vs TDD

Do you want to know the difference between BDD, TDD and ATDD? View my BDD, TDD and ATDD video or read this blog post.

In this blog post, I will explain what is BDD, what is Test Driven Development and ATDD vs TDD. BDD full form is Behavior Driven Development. Here is a Behavior Driven Development example. A Feature is a higher-level functionality provided by the system so for example a Feature can be place an order. A User Story explains the system behavior in non-technical language that everybody on the team can understand. The example of a User Story for the place an order Feature is As a customer I want to be able to place an order on the e-commerce website so that I can purchase the items that I need. 
 In the Cucumber Test there is the Scenario, which gives us steps and expected results of a test. So for example, the Scenario is successfully place an order. Given means the preconditions of the Scenario so Given a customer is on the website And the customer has added items to their shopping cart. When means the actions or operations or the steps of the test. When the customer clicks the checkout button. Then means the expected result. Then the order is successfully placed. In Java, this User Story may be implemented by using a public class like OrdersUtility, which is going to have a public method called placeOrder and it needs an Item object and the Customer object. There is a list of items placed by the customer in their shopping cart and a customer. So using a list of item objects and the customer object, the developers have to write the code to process in order and update the database.
BDD stands for Behavior Driven Development. BDD is used in Agile software development. As introduction to Behavior Driven Development, you should know that its focus is on system behaviors or application behaviors. BDD uses User Stories that explain the system behavior in a non-technical language. BDD testing uses Tests to verify those system behaviors. In BDD, the common Behavior Driven Development software testing tools are Cucumber that allows tests to be written in English. Cucumber may be used in a BDD Cucumber framework with Selenium. JBehave is used for testing web applications. SpecFlow is a tool for testing .NET applications. JBehave and SpecFlow allow tests to be written in a natural language syntax. 
TDD full form is Test Driven Development. The focus of Test Driven Development in software engineering is on system requirements and to write code so that it is simple to test the individual components. Test Driven Development vs Behavior Driven Development uses functional requirements and tests. Also, the common testing tools are different in Behavior Driven Development vs Test Driven Development or BDD vs TDD. In TDD the common testing tools are JUnit for testing Java applications or NUnit for testing.NET applications. If you want to know ATDD vs TDD, ATDD full form is Acceptance Test Driven Development. In Acceptance Test Driven Development ATDD, the focus is on system requirements of the whole system, which is different from TDD's focus on requirements of individual components. ATDD uses Acceptance Criteria which is commonly documented as User Stories and Acceptance Tests. In ATDD, the Acceptance Tests are written before writing the code that would pass those Acceptance Tests. The common testing Tools in ATDD include FitNesse, which allows writing Acceptance Tests in natural language syntax, Cucumber or JBehave. 
I hope that you know BDD meaning and have an idea about BDD Behavior Driven Development, ATDD and Test Driven Development TDD in Agile. If you want to understand BDD with more examples, please view my BDD video. Thank you!

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