November 06, 2023

Mock Data Generator (QA Tools) Next-Generation - test data generation tools

Mock Data Generator (QA Tools) Next-Generation - test data generation tools

Test data generator in software testing generates many types of mock data, normal/ boundary/ erroneous data, to save you time and test rigorously.

How to Use Mock Data Generator

The Mock Data Generator is a tool that can be used to generate realistic and meaningful mock data for testing software. The tool can be used to generate a variety of data types, including:

  • Names
  • UserNames
  • Passwords
  • Emails
  • Handles
  • Phone Numbers
  • Street Addresses
  • Postal/Zip Codes
  • Countries
  • And much more!

The Mock Data Generator can be used to generate normal, lower boundary, upper boundary and erroneous mock data for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Testing the functionality of a software application
  • Generating data for training machine learning models
  • Creating seed data for a database
  • And many more!

To use the Mock Data Generator, simply visit Mock Data Generator web page.

On the website, you will see a dropdown where you can select the types of data you want to generate. In the dropdown, choose one or more option(s). Then click Preview Data. If you want to export mock data of the selected option(s), enter the number of records that you want to generate. Then click Export as CSV. The Mock Test Data Generator will then generate a CSV file containing the mock data. You can download the CSV file and use it to test your software application or train your machine learning model.

If you have any questions or issues using the Mock Test Data Generator, use the Contact Us form (on the right) or email the developer at please.

October 23, 2023

Agile Test Estimation Tool (QA Tools)

Agile Test Estimator

Other Tasks

How to Use Agile Test Estimator

The Agile Test Estimator is a tool that helps software development teams estimate the testing effort required for their projects. It allows users to input data for each user story, such as the number of testing points, and then calculates the total test effort based on a variety of factors, including the QA environment preparation effort, negative testing effort, exploratory testing effort, regression testing effort, other testing (performance, security, etc.) effort, and defects logging and re-testing effort. If you want to learn how to use it, please see the Agile Test Estimation tool tutorial.

To use the Agile Test Estimator:

  1. Review the User Story Points to Hours Factor. If needed, adjust it according to your project.
  2. Enter the following information for each user story:
    • User Story ID (optional): An identifier for each user story. If entered, it will appear in JSON and CSV exports.
    • Testing Points: The number of Story Points for testing of that user story. Note that the full Story Points consider the size of all tasks (development, testing, deployment, and so on).
    • Testing Effort: The test effort is the product of Testing Points and User Story Points to Hours Factor. It will be displayed automatically.
  3. Enter the estimated effort in hours required for the following tasks, as needed:
    • QA Environment Preparation
    • Negative Testing
    • Exploratory Testing
    • Regression Testing
    • Other Testing (such as performance testing, security testing, etc., as in your Test Strategy)
    • Defects Logging and Re-testing
  4. The total test effort will be displayed in the "Total Test Effort" field automatically.

Example Output:

User Story ID,Testing Points,Test Effort (hours)
Add to Cart,3,6
Other Tasks,Test Effort (hours)
QA Environment Preparation,1
Negative Testing Effort,2
Exploratory Testing Effort,2
Regression Testing Effort,2
Other Testing (Performance, Security etc.) Effort,2
Defects Logging and Re-testing Effort,2
Total Test Effort,19

Agile Test Estimator Usage Notes:

  • The Agile Test Estimator is a tool, not a replacement for human judgment. Use this tool in conjunction with your own knowledge and experience to estimate the testing effort for your project, release, or sprint.
  • The default values for the other tasks, such as QA environment preparation effort and negative testing effort, are reasonable for most projects. However, you can adjust these values as needed.
  • The Agile Test Estimator can be used to estimate the testing effort for individual user stories or for your entire project.
  • The Agile Test Estimator can export the test effort estimates to JSON format, for integration with test management tools or reporting tools.
  • The Agile Test Estimator can export the test effort estimates as a CSV report. You can open this CSV report in Excel and share it with your team members or stakeholders.

Agile Test Estimator Contact Information

If you have any question or comment or bug report, use the Contact Us form (on the right) or email the developer at please.

August 19, 2023

Asynchronous JavaScript

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Asynchronous JavaScript

Asynchronous JavaScript allows you to perform tasks without freezing the execution of other code. It uses callbacks, promises, and async/await to handle asynchronous operations.

What is Asynchronous in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, asynchronous refers to the ability to execute tasks without freezing the execution of other code. Asynchronous operations allow you to handle time-consuming tasks such as making network requests or accessing databases without freezing the entire program.

Asynchronous JavaScript vs Synchronous

Asynchronous JavaScript allows code to continue executing while waiting for certain operations to complete, improving responsiveness. In contrast, synchronous JavaScript blocks the execution of other code until an operation is complete, potentially causing delays.

Where is Asynchronous JavaScript Used?

Asynchronous JavaScript is used in various scenarios, including:

  1. Fetching data from APIs
  2. Performing file I/O operations
  3. Handling user interactions and events

Asynchronous JavaScript Example

function fetchData() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const data = 'Example data';
    }, 5000);

async function displayData() {
  const result = await fetchData();
// Open Developer Tools Console. The Example data should be displayed after 5 seconds.

This example uses the fetchData() function, which returns a promise that resolves after a delay of 5000 milliseconds. The displayData() function uses await to wait for the promise to resolve and then logs the result.

Asynchronous JavaScript Interview Questions

  1. What is asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
  2. How do callbacks work in asynchronous JavaScript?
  3. What are promises and how do they handle asynchronous operations?
  4. What are the different ways to handle errors in asynchronous JavaScript?
  5. How do you use asynchronous JavaScript to improve the performance of your code?
  6. What are some of the challenges of writing asynchronous JavaScript?

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
    Asynchronous programming in JavaScript allows tasks to be performed without freezing the execution of other code.
    Asynchronous programming in JavaScript ensures that tasks are executed in order, one after the other.
    Asynchronous programming in JavaScript is not supported by modern browsers.
  2. How do callbacks work in asynchronous JavaScript?
    Callbacks in asynchronous JavaScript are only used for error handling purposes.
    Callbacks in asynchronous JavaScript are deprecated and should be avoided.
    Callbacks in asynchronous JavaScript are functions that are passed as arguments to be executed after a certain task is complete.
  3. What are promises and how do they handle asynchronous operations?
    Promises in asynchronous JavaScript are used for synchronous operations.
    Promises in asynchronous JavaScript represent the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation and allow you to handle the result using then() and catch() methods.
    Promises in asynchronous JavaScript are limited to handling only simple operations.

Your Total Score: 0 out of 3

Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.

JavaScript Advanced Topics

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JavaScript Advanced Topics

JavaScript advanced topics include higher-order functions, asynchronous JavaScript using callbacks, promises, and async/await, error handling and debugging, JavaScript modules, and module bundlers like Webpack. The knowledge of these topics allows you to write more efficient and robust code.

Javascript Advanced Concepts with Examples

Advanced JavaScript concepts help you solve complex problems in your code. Some examples of advanced concepts include closures, prototypal inheritance, functional programming, event delegation, and working with APIs.

What is the Hardest Topic in JavaScript?

Some challenging topics in JavaScript include asynchronous programming, handling scope and closures, understanding the prototype chain, and managing the "this" keyword.

What is Advanced JavaScript?

Advanced JavaScript refers to the advanced concepts and techniques in JavaScript programming. Such concepts and techniques are functional programming, working with complex data structures, implementing design patterns, optimizing performance, and utilizing advanced language features. Advanced JavaScript skills enable you to build complex applications.

Javascript Advanced Topics List:

  1. Higher-order functions
  2. Asynchronous JavaScript (callbacks, promises, async/await)
  3. Error handling and debugging
  4. JavaScript modules and module bundlers (e.g., Webpack)

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What are higher-order functions in JavaScript?
    Higher-order functions perform calculations involving large numbers.
    Higher-order functions are functions that can accept other functions as arguments or return functions as results.
    Higher-order functions are used for object-oriented programming in JavaScript.
  2. What is asynchronous JavaScript?
    Asynchronous JavaScript refers to the process of performing calculations using mathematical formulas.
    Asynchronous JavaScript allows you to execute code non-blocking, enabling concurrent operations and enhancing performance.
    Asynchronous JavaScript is a technique used for error handling in JavaScript.
  3. How can you handle errors and debug JavaScript code?
    You can handle errors and debug JavaScript code by using tools like the browser console, logging, breakpoints, and try...catch statements.
    You can handle errors and debug JavaScript code by restarting the server.
    You can handle errors and debug JavaScript code by writing extensive comments.
  4. What are JavaScript modules and module bundlers?
    JavaScript modules are used for creating animations and visual effects in web development.
    JavaScript modules allow you to organize code into reusable and independent units, and module bundlers like Webpack help manage dependencies and optimize the final bundle.
    JavaScript modules and module bundlers are used for database operations in JavaScript.

Your Total Score: 0 out of 4

Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.

DOM manipulation JavaScript library

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DOM Manipulation JavaScript Library

You can manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) in JavaScript using various libraries and functions. DOM manipulation in JavaScript involves updating the structure, content, or style of HTML elements on a web page.

There are several JavaScript libraries available for DOM manipulation, such as jQuery, React, and Vue.js. These libraries provide functions to simplify the process of manipulating the DOM. When choosing a JavaScript library for DOM manipulation, consider factors like ease of use, performance, and compatibility with your requirements.

Example: DOM Manipulation JavaScript Library

 // Load JQuery in head section before running any JavaScript
  <script> src=""></script>
    document.body = document.createElement('body');
    var element = document.createElement('p');
    element.textContent = 'JavaScript Course Software Testing Space'; = 'myElement';

    // JavaScript example using a DOM manipulation library (jQuery)
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $('#myElement').text('Updated content');

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is DOM manipulation in JavaScript?
    Using JavaScript to manipulate database objects.
    DOM manipulation in JavaScript involves modifying the structure, content, or style of HTML elements on a web page.
    Its a term used for the process of updating CSS styles in JavaScript.
  2. What is the best JavaScript library for DOM manipulation?
    React is the only JavaScript library available for DOM manipulation.
    The best JavaScript libraries for DOM manipulation include jQuery, React, and Vue.js, depending on your requirements.
    DOM manipulation doesn't require the use of any JavaScript libraries.
  3. Are there any examples of DOM manipulation in JavaScript?
    Yes, you can find examples of DOM manipulation in JavaScript in the documentation of popular libraries like jQuery.
    DOM manipulation examples are limited to basic operations and cannot be applied to real-world scenarios.
    DOM manipulation is not supported in JavaScript, so no examples are available.
  4. Can DOM manipulation libraries improve web page performance?
    No, DOM manipulation libraries have a negative impact on web page performance.
    DOM manipulation libraries can optimize and enhance web page performance by providing efficient algorithms and techniques.
    DOM manipulation libraries have no effect on web page performance.
  5. Is DOM manipulation limited to JavaScript libraries?
    Yes, DOM manipulation can only be achieved using JavaScript libraries.
    DOM manipulation is restricted to specific programming languages other than JavaScript.
    No, DOM manipulation can also be done using native JavaScript methods without relying on external libraries.

Your Total Score: 0 out of 5

Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.

August 16, 2023

JavaScript Arrays

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JavaScript Arrays

You can use arrays in JavaScript to store multiple values in a single variable. JavaScript arrays allow you to organize and manipulate collections of data. They are useful for storing lists, sets of values, or any data element that you can access by its index number.

What are JavaScript Arrays?

JavaScript arrays are a type of object that holds multiple values in a specific order. They can contain any data type, including numbers, strings, objects, or even other arrays. Arrays in JavaScript are zero-indexed, meaning the first element is at index 0.

JavaScript Arrays Example

// JavaScript array example
// Create a JavaScript array called fruits
var fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];
for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
  document.write(fruits[i] + '<br/>');
document.write("Array length: " + fruits.length);

FAQ (Interview Questions and Answers)

  1. What is the purpose of JavaScript arrays?
    JavaScript arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable.
    JavaScript arrays are used for mathematical calculations.
    JavaScript arrays are used for defining functions.
  2. What is the syntax for creating a JavaScript array?
    [] meaning square brackets
  3. How do you access elements in a JavaScript array?
    By using parentheses
    By using index numbers
    By using quotation marks
  4. Can a JavaScript array contain different data types?
    Yes, a JavaScript array can contain any data type.
    No, a JavaScript array can only contain numbers.
    No, a JavaScript array can only contain strings.
  5. How can you determine the length of a JavaScript array?
    By using the "length" method
    By accessing the "length" property
    By using the "size" property

Your Total Score: 0 out of 5

Remember to just comment if you have any doubts or queries.

Where to learn JavaScript? Take the JavaScript course free in Software Testing Space.