
October 31, 2013

Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver Training Videos - learn automated testing

In the last few years, I have had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of testers who want to have more than just manual testing skills. They want to learn Automated Testing, or Test Automation as it is commonly called. I prefer to call it Automation because it is not restricted to testing something with a computer program. Automation can be used for other productive tasks like generating or setting up test data, log bug reports, prepare release notes and doing other administrative tasks.

The problem that I see (painfully) very often is that some testers feel that they can download a functional web testing tool, read a few blog posts or watch a couple of videos to see how it works and they will have test automation skills. Not quite. These folks have hardly done any coding or written any automation program. In many cases, they don't even recall basic HTML syntax. When they build some automation, they are at the mercy of web test recordings, which are very fragile. If there is something that cannot be recorded e.g. a condition or a loop, they search some source code on the web, which meets their exact requirement. They are afraid to modify this source code because they really don't understand it. Then the automation that they manage to hack together doesn't work too often. More seriously, it suffers from unknown issues. It's a big problem.

You can solve this problem by using our Selenium IDE and WebDriver training videos. The training videos start with training on HTML, CSS, XPath before training on Selenium IDE (the record/script and playback tool) all in detail. This builds a strong foundation in testing web apps using not only Selenium but also any other functional testing tool because the web technologies are the same. Then the training videos cover the relevant object-oriented programming (OOPS) concepts, programming logic and Java coding. These programming skills give the confidence to build the automated Selenium test scripts (or test scripts in any other tool) in real life. Then the training videos cover Selenium WebDriver code in detail, with data parametrization and page object pattern. Finally, the videos cover TestNG, which is a testing framework. All these languages, tools and technologies are covered in the videos from beginner level. The training videos are 25 hours in total. They have ample explanations of all relevant concepts and numerous practical demonstrations.

The training videos are private and there is a fee to view them. There is one month support to provide any clarifications or resolve your queries, if any, on the training material presented in the training videos. If you need access to the training videos, please email me @ isingh 30 at g mail dot com (with no spaces).

Here are the comments by few of the software testing professionals who have used these training videos to learn Selenium:
  1. Akim I enjoyed it a lot and learned a lot from your videos - specially on the java side. Once again, I greatly appreciate it.
  2. Alex I just want to say thank you for your great tutorials.
  3. Adarsh I am happy with the way you provide the training, its very easy to understand and concepts that are explained are crystal clear. Hats off to you!!!! I am enjoying learning Selenium from your training videos. I simply love the way you explain the concepts, you do it so well.
  4. Angela The training is going well thanks. Good thing with the videos is u can playback which is a great advantage. You explanations are very good and I'm sure when I get to the actual web driver it will be clear. Great foundation work.
  5. Brij Hi Inder, No questions nothing just wanted to say that I find your videos very very good and easy. In fact, no problems understanding till now i.e. firepath. It is really really easy. Thanks.
  6. Farhod I watched your videos, very easy to understand, thanks, nice job.
  7. Guillermo I finished all your videos and I learned a lot. Thank you. I will continue practicing.
  8. Jetal you are very nice tutor and i must say would like to make u my mentor too.
  9. Karthik They (the training videos) are clear and audible.
  10. Linda I have been learning your classes, so far it's good. :)
  11. Marco first of all, congratulations, you're an awesome teacher...
  12. Mike I am making good progress with the videos, so thank you. You do a great job presenting the material in a way that makes learning much easier than it would be otherwise.
  13. Niharika I have completed the training and it is really very helpful. Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge, I am glad I took up this training.
  14. Paul cheers Inder its excellent so far, thanks for this, ur effort is awesome.
  15. Pooja everything is well understood. Great work & great stuff, should say. Also, I am practicing it everyday.
  16. Preeti I am going through the Selenium videos and its very clear and I am able to understand. So, I am very thankful for that.
  17. Renji ...The best videos for learning Selenium.
  18. Roshitha the way u teach is simply awesome.
  19. Simona You are an excellent tutor. I have been reading books and just watching your video I have learned more in a day. Your video are clean and clear.
  20. Sujeet Your training videos are awesome and very much practical in itself. I am following your concepts and its is quite helpful.
  21. Siva I found training is very useful. Thanks make it effective. Thanks for your support as always.
  22. Shwetha In one word i would say the course as "WOW". I could see that the you have put on a lot of effort in each training and have shared your knowledge extensively.
  23. Vani The videos are very informative and useful.
  24. Adarsh I did go through all the video sessions that you shared. It was a good learning experience. Infact, I am new to Java and that postponed me to learn webdriver. Your training sessions is helping me to understand on the concepts.
Please see these example Selenium training videos:
Selenium IDE
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Interview Questions and Answers  

October 02, 2013

JMeter Web Performance Testing Training Videos

You can get trained in web performance testing with JMeter by using our training videos. These high definition videos are 13 hours long altogether. They cover many aspects of performance testing - performance testing process, using JMeter effectively, setup and execution of performance tests, analysis of results and much more.